Ramona Parlor #109
Native Sons of the Golden West
Ramona Museum of California History
Ongoing-Museum opens each Saturday from 1-3 pm (except holiday weekends)
Admission is FREE!
Ramona Members and Friends meet for dinner on the 2nd Thursday of each month. Bingo is at 5pm, Dinner is at 6pm and a member's meeting starts at 7pm. The meeting room is located at the rear of the Museum.
March 19th Museum Turnaround (sold out)
April 10th 7pm High School Public Speaking Contest BINGO-DINNER
September 11, 2025 Dinner honoring San Gabriel First Responders
Annual dinner recognizing our local heroes. 339 South Mission Drive San Gabriel. Reservations required, contact John Buehler 626-991-4132
October 26, 2025 Day at the Races
Ramona Parlor proudly supports students
throughout the San Gabriel Valley.
April 2025 : Ramona Museum High School Public Speaking Contest is open to all high school students from public and private schools. The speeches must be between 5-7 minutes in length Notes and amplification may not be used while presenting the speeches. All topics must be related to California History. Preliminary speeches will be held in the Ramona Meeting Room behind the Museum on April 8th. The top five finalists will present their speeches on April 10th at our monthly Dinner Meeting. Speakers, guests and teacher's dinners are complimentary.
Awards: 1st place $500, 2nd place $350, 3rd place $200, two runner-ups will receive $100 each
Application Deadline is April 1, 2025
Download the contest application to compete. All contestants under 18 years of age must have parental consent. If you have any questions or problems with the website or the application process, please call Rosemarie at 626-523-9798 for assistance. Good luck!